使用adodb 实现的文件二进制存取工具, 后期会更新更多函数, 目前就2个

Option Explicit

' 作者:邓伟
' 网站:www.vb6.pro

'    Library ADODB
'C:  \Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\ado\msado28.tlb
'    Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library

Public Inst As New ADODB.Stream
Public LastError As String

Public Function LoadFileAsBinary(ByVal Path As String, OutData() As Byte) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo EH
    LastError = ""
    With Inst
        If .State <> adStateClosed Then .Close
        .Type = adTypeBinary
        .LoadFromFile Path
        OutData = .Read()
    End With
    LoadFileAsBinary = True
    Exit Function
    LastError = Err.Description & "#" & Err.Description
End Function

Public Function SaveFileAsBinary(ByVal Path As String, OutData() As Byte) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo EH
    LastError = ""
    With Inst
        If .State <> adStateClosed Then .Close
        .Type = adTypeBinary
        .Write OutData
        .SaveToFile Path, adSaveCreateNotExist
    End With
    SaveFileAsBinary = True
    Exit Function
    LastError = Err.Description & "#" & Err.Description
End Function

Views: 84

Hi, I’m 邓伟(woeoio)

